Pravan Clinic Blog: Your Guide to Better Health and Wellness

Setting an Intention to Become Healthier in 2019: Step 2

Written by Elizabeth Sands, MS, CNS | Jan 19, 2019 12:56:35 AM

As we discussed in our New Year blog, we have defined three steps for setting an intention to improve your health:

  1. Find a Doctor You Can Trust Who Cares About You
  2. Fuel Your Body with a Balanced Diet and Exercise
  3. Commit to Self-Care

For this part of the series we will be discussing Step 2: Fuel Your Body with a Balanced Diet and Exercise. Though there are many ways to lead a healthy life, two things all approaches have in common are clean eating and physical fitness, for which there are no substitutes. Fortunately, we are here to show you the way!

“To keep the body in good health is a duty...

otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” – Buddha


Eat Well to Feel Well

While what you eat throughout the course of a day is undoubtedly important, how you start your day often lays the foundation for how the rest of it will go. When you wake up in the morning, after you drink a big glass of water (bonus points if you add lemon or apple cider vinegar), eat something that will set you up for success. There’s a tendency to skip breakfast altogether or opt for baked goods first thing in the morning, but this is not an ideal way to fuel your body. While a breakfast heavy in refined carbohydrates will result in a spike to your blood sugar and set you on a rollercoaster ride for the rest of the day, one based on whole foods that incorporates clean protein, healthy fat and complex carbohydrates will do just the opposite.

Beyond breakfast, we always suggest eating the rainbow (the naturally-occurring one, that is). There’s a common misconception that there’s no way to do this conveniently, but this doesn’t have to be the case. The internet is full of solid advice on this front, but if you need a little more help, you can always work with a nutritionist to find the best options based on your particular preferences.

Exercise to Strengthen Your Body and Mind

As for exercise, what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all. They key is to find something you enjoy that’s sustainable for you based on your body’s unique needs. This can be walking at a brisk pace, engaging in a mind-body practice like yoga, joining a group fitness class or recreational team sport, or something as simple as light weight or resistance training in your own living room. Though not all exercises are for everyone, your primary care physician or another health professional can make recommendations that are appropriate for you and your goals.


An Integrated Approach 

Though Diet and Exercise are crucial, we at Pravan know that an integrated approach is the best approach. Through the end of January we will be diving deeper into the steps laid out in our Guide to Making (and Keeping) a New Year's Resolution to Improve Your Health, and hope that you will follow along.That said, if you'd like to start your journey sooner, we have an offer to help you out!

Keep moving towards your New Year's Intentions by joining us as we move through the next step in this series. See you next week!

If you sign up to become a member between now and January 31st you will receive your Initial Medical Evaluation and Health Optimization Plan for free (a $500 value). This takes a $2,300 membership to $1,800 or $150 per month. Happy New Year to you!



You may also reach out directly to our Membership Director, Ambar, at 787-414-1119 or at if you have any questions about our New Year Promotion.