Saharan Dust Clouds: How to Manage the Sniffles and More


What is the Saharan Dust?

Summer, the season of fun, back to school, and, in Puerto Rico, Saharan Dust. Saharan dust is a cloud of dry, hot air that comes from Africa. This definition makes it seems pretty harmless. However, these clouds come filled with bacteria, viruses, fungi, pollen, and other substances that can be harmful to children and adults alike, especially if they are allergic or asthmatic. 

How to minimize its harmful effects?

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Topics: pravan kids, pediatría, pediatrics

The Right Weight for Kids' Backpacks: Ensuring Happy Backs and Healthy Bodies


Back to school. Three words that bring diverse emotions in parents. On one hand, it brings the stress of having everything ready; on the other hand, it gives the kids something to do. After the books are labeled, the laptops are up to date, and all the materials are ready to go, there’s something else parents must keep in mind: backpack weight. An aspect that is often overlooked, but that can affect children in different ways. 

Carrying an improperly loaded or heavy backpack can lead to various health issues that could have long-term effects on our children's well-being. In this blog, we will explore the importance of choosing the right weight for kids' backpacks and how to make sure they are using them correctly.

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Topics: pravan kids, pediatría, pediatrics

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