Cómo fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico

Cuando nos vemos amenazados por problemas de salud o crisis globales como la que estamos enfrentando con el coronavirus, se despierta en nosotros una alerta. Con esto, comienza una búsqueda de tratamientos y remedios que fortalezcan nuestro sistema y nos proteja de enfermedades. El sistema inmunológico es nuestra primera línea de defensa y se puede proteger con acciones muy sencillas que garantizan el pleno y óptimo funcionamiento de las defensas del organismo.

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Topics: nutrition, nutritionist, health, coronavirus

Respondemos a las preguntas más comunes sobre el COVID-19


A medida que la información sobre el COVID-19 continúa evolucionando, nosotros seguimos enfocados en ofrecer servicios de alta calidad e información pertinente. Hemos compartido varios comunicados y continuaremos haciéndolo; estamos comprometidos en mantenerlos informados. Es importante dejarles saber que en Pravan continuamos trabajando incansablemente para educarnos en el manejo de este novel virus. Esperamos que la siguiente información te brinde claridad y responda la mayoría de tus preguntas.

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Topics: prevention, health, coronavirus, covid-19

Your Most Common COVID-19 Questions, Answered

As information surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, we remain focused on providing quality care and relevant information. We have already sent out several communications, and we will continue to as we have more to share. We also want you to know that we are working tirelessly to educate ourselves on the best options available. We hope that the following information brings you clarity, and answers most of your questions.

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Topics: prevention, health, coronavirus, covid-19

Diet and Lifestyle Advice to get You Through a Lockdown

With the arrival of the coronavirus in Puerto Rico, we’ve rushed to secure items we feel will help us through an uncertain future. While the focus has been on stocking basic household items and sanitizers, we want to remind you that your diet and lifestyle choices are especially important right now. Because when it comes to supporting your immune health, there really are no substitutes!

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Topics: nutrition, health, coronavirus

A Coronavirus Update from Pravan Clinic

As we have monitored the developments with COVID-19, we have made every effort to prepare ourselves to protect the health of both our members and our team of caregivers. We recognize that these are uncertain times, and our team is working diligently to provide as much support as possible. As things progress in the coming days, weeks and beyond, we will remain committed to providing quality healthcare around the clock.

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Topics: diagnosis, wellness, health, proactive health, early detection, coronavirus

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