Do you know that neglecting your health will often lead to illness that could otherwise be avoided? Getting motivated to start a healthy lifestyle isn't the hard part, but building and maintaining a healthy routine requires you to be consistent. Spoiler: it's worth it! Leading a healthy lifestyle can increase your productivity and make you feel at ease with your body. Learn how in our latest blog!
Elizabeth Sands, MS, CNS

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How to Start A Healthy Lifestyle
Topics: lifestyle, healthy living, health
5 Main Advantages of Concierge Medicine
Ever feel like your doctor doesn’t spend enough time with you to know what exactly your problem is? Most physicians currently try to see as many patients as they can in a day, which can lead to some severe issues. A doctor who spends less than 10 minutes with you will not have the best idea of what is going on with your health. There is a better way to get the type of healthcare you need and deserve, and it is known as Concierge Medicine.
Topics: prevention, concierge medicine, health
Our Top 5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips
It can feel like there's a constant battle to improve our habits and lead a healthier life. Yet no matter how hard some of us may try, we just can’t seem to stick to the strict rules that are apparently tied to building a healthy lifestyle. At Pravan Clinic in Puerto Rico we work every day to help improve the quality of life of hundreds of patients who have decided to join our membership program and live healthier lifestyles. Below are our top 5 healthy lifestyle tips, and surprisingly, some of them are extremely simple to commit to.
Topics: lifestyle, healthy living, health
How Does Corporate Wellness Influence Productivity?
These days more and more corporations are searching for ways to help get the team motivated. One way that's picking up traction and getting attention is corporate wellness. While this isn’t necessarily a new concept, it's becoming more and more popular for companies and corporations to take advantage of. So, what does corporate wellness involve, and can it really influence productivity?
Topics: concierge, corporate wellness, corporate medical clinic
How Coordinated Care Can Save Your Life
Puerto Rico's healthcare system has fallen behind. If there is one thing in this world that is priceless, it's your health. As technologies and knowledge evolve, so does the practice of healthcare. Each and every person is different, and although one may seemingly experience the same thing as another person, their needs can be vastly different depending on their situation and support network. This is when coordinated care comes into play.
Topics: prevention, diagnosis, care coordination, concierge, quality time
Concierge Doctors Who Work For You
You awake suddenly with sharp abdominal pains. You've been experiencing digestive issues recently, but nothing you've lost sleep over, and nothing as intense as this. You start to think the worst, and a Google search of your symptoms does nothing to calm your fears. Then you remember you'll be traveling in a few days, and realize you'll need to sort this out ASAP. The thought of an ER visit even crosses your mind, but you know this may mean several hours of waiting time, not to mention an unreasonable hospital bill. You hate the idea of this, but you're feeling pretty desperate at this point...
Pravan Clinic is here to change this scenario. Our modern medical practice delivers quick access to Concierge Doctors and personalized health care around the clock. Our HIPAA compliant mobile app and state-of-the-art medical clinic are backed by the level of medical professionals and customer service you deserve. In short, we're here to flip the switch on your previous patient experiences.
Topics: prevention, diagnosis, care coordination, concierge, quality time
Empowering Women Towards Better Health
We've noticed that many of our patients don't make it to their annual gynecologist visit, even when they clearly recognize the importance of this appointment. An annual gynecological exam is a fundamental part of preventive medical care for women, and is critical for identifying any risk factors for disease (cancers, in particular) as well as detecting any existing medical issues. This is an appointment to make, not miss!
Having said this, we understand why it happens. When you're busy balancing work, family, or just life in general, it's very hard to consciously commit to spending hours or more waiting to see a physician, which is typically the case in Puerto Rico. We know you’ve got a lot going on, and the last thing we want is for your hectic schedule to prevent you from taking care of yourself.
Topics: prevention, wellness, concierge, health, proactive health, early detection
Five Ways to Show Your Heart Some ❤️ This Valentine’s Day!
As your trusted partner in health and wellness, we’ve decided to flip the script this Valentine’s Day. Don’t get us wrong, we love love, but since it’s American Heart Month we figured we’d take this opportunity to talk about the heart from a different perspective. While we often hear about what not to do when it comes to heart health, we are here today to focus on five things you can do to show your heart some love!
Topics: health tips, wellness, healthy living, health, proactive health
Become Your Healthiest Self in 2019: Step 3
This week we are exploring one aspect of every health and wellness journey that is often overlooked, despite being critically important! Over the past few weeks we’ve taken a deeper dive into each of the steps outlined at the start of this month’s blog series, A Guide to Making (and Keeping) a New Year’s Resolution to Improve Your Health. We’ve already worked through the first two steps (Find a Doctor You Can Trust Who Cares About You and Fuel Your Body with a Balanced Diet and Exercise), and are going to close out the series with the last (but not the least) of the three: Commit to Self-Care.
Setting an Intention to Become Healthier in 2019: Step 2
As we discussed in our New Year blog, we have defined three steps for setting an intention to improve your health:
- Find a Doctor You Can Trust Who Cares About You
- Fuel Your Body with a Balanced Diet and Exercise
- Commit to Self-Care
For this part of the series we will be discussing Step 2: Fuel Your Body with a Balanced Diet and Exercise. Though there are many ways to lead a healthy life, two things all approaches have in common are clean eating and physical fitness, for which there are no substitutes. Fortunately, we are here to show you the way!